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Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Ernestine and Hazels - Memphis TN

When you walk in the front door it becomes imminently clear that you've stepped into the past. The moment you enter into 531 South Main Street, you feel the transformation take place. You've just left the cold, unfriendly street. The trolley screeches past as you close the door behind you. Blinking your eyes to adjust to the dim light inside the burger joint, you can't help but notice that the atmosphere is so much more inviting in here. I've never had any feelings of danger or fear while at this location. It always felt friendly and fun, and at times, bewitching. Even though the main level is thriving and exciting, the truth is, I couldn't wait to go upstairs...

Ernestine and Hazel's is not only a great place for amazing burgers it is also known to be a local paranormal hot spot. The building has lingered there since the late 1800's, and has seen just about everything. Originally built with the intention of being a church, later it became a sundry store, pharmacy and even a brothel. From what I've read, the pharmacy coexisted along side the brothel, which must've brought in quiet the variety of interesting customers... 

Some say the sisters, Ernestine and Hazel, still see to making their customers happy. The piano and jukebox come alive and play music all on their own. Many witnesses have claimed that the tunes emanating from these musical time pieces seem to be hauntingly appropriate for the mood. What accommodating spirits this place has! If you are in the area, you should check it out. It is a great little slice of Memphis history and these days, not many places like this still remain. Even though we felt that it was very peaceful and unfortunately did not make much contact during our investigation, many others have had amazing experiences while visiting.     

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