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Sunday, February 4, 2018

Emily's Bridge VT

Visiting historic places is a major interest of ours at Creatures of the Night. Yet it is of greater interest to us when that location has a dark and twisted past. We find ourselves hunting down such significant places like this in order to document them even when we can't fully investigate them.

Emily's Bridge was actually a little detour for us on our way to Lake Champlain, though we just couldn't pass on the opportunity to visit a place so rich with lore and paranormal sightings! When we arrived there were several other people there admiring the covered bridge. To my surprise the other visitors that day where also sharing versions of the tragic event that has made this bridge so famous. 

The charming bridge is alluring and beautiful just to see. Though it is apparent that the story of a young girls mysterious demise so many years ago has become the driving factor for many people visiting today.

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